Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm getting my Eyelash Perming today!!

I have long and strong eyelashes, but I take lots of time to curl them. I used this instrument below to curl them, but it's not comfortable and the result is not always perfect.

So today, I'm having an Eyelash Perming. This is a method of enhancing the eyelashes, giving an open eyed look. 

Using a small roller and water soluble glue, the lashes are rolled and separated to help ensure a beautiful natural appearance. Perming lotion is then applied to the lashes and left for 15 minutes followed by the application of a neutraliser. This is then left for a further 15 minutes under cover. Finally, damp cotton wool is used to gently remove the roller, leaving you with enhanced curled eyelashes.

.I was promised a result of 3 months, let's wait and see...

And here's the result I expect :)

I promise I'll share the result with you.

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